Wednesday, September 07, 2005

review : read : evaluate

I'm finally finished with Jason Blume's "Inside Songwriting: Getting to the heart of creativity" book and overall, I was very pleased with that purchase. The book is a great look at some behind the scenes events / hurdles / successes of the songwriter. It's a very inspiring read, I'll post a full review of the book here soon.

This moves me on to the next book in the pile, which is to re-read Blume's "6 Steps To Songwriting Success" - which I had started to read through, but never did make it all the way.

I am evaluating the "Master Writer" software for my songwriting. Immediate benefits would be having my lyrics and vocal ideas all in one place. I haven't seen the ability to import files into the program as of yet - but then again, I haven't looked hard... yet. Expect a full review of the software by the end of the month.